What is a Standardized Extract and how does Buddha’s Herbs Green Tea Standardized Extract compare with other similar products in the market?
A standardized extract means that the product is standardized to contain the active ingredients in the required quantities. As most of the benefits associated with Green Tea are linked to a group of compounds called polyphenols and to Catechins (a subset of Polyphenols), thus product which does not contain these active ingredients in sizeable quantities fail to deliver the desired results. The main Catechin found in Green Tea is Epigallocatechin (EGCG). Numerous health effects have been attributed to EGCG, including weight loss. Buddha’s Herbs Green Tea extract is standardized to contain 98 percent polyphenols and more than 50 percent EGCG, making it a very potent supplement. Moreover the amount of Caffeine in this product is less than 2 mg per Softgel far less than a cup of Decaffeinated Green Tea. Compare the prices of similar products in the market to see that we give you best value for your money. See Product Details for more information and Quality Guidelines for learning more about our GMP Quality procedures.
Can the Green Tea Extract help in losing weight also? How can we be sure that it is Decaffeinated?
Most of the studies have shown that a higher doze of EGCG, may help in losing weight with balanced diet. A daily dose of 500 to 750 mg of EGCG should be taken by those trying to lose weight. Three Softgles per day will deliver the desired dosage. Moreover Buddha’s Herbs Green Tea Extract is tested for Xanthine Alkaloids (Theobromine, Theophlline and Caffeine ) Content by HPLC (most reliable scientific method available). The quantity of Total Xanthine Alkaloids remains is less than 2 mg for this product. Verified COA can be made available on request.
Are Buddha’s Herbs herbal products free of pesticide contamination?
Yes. All the herbal supplements are additionally regularly tested for Pesticide Contamination as part of its GMP Quality Guidelines. The method used is:
PAM Multiresidue Screen (M303_GRN_S:1)
Food and Drug Administration, ‘303: Method II for Nonfatty Foods’, Pesticide Analytical Manual, Third Edition, Vol. 1, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C. (1994).
Does the Buddha’s Herbs Herbal Supplements contain any artificial flavor, color, preservatives?
The Herbal Supplements does not contain any artificial flavor, color or preservatives, like all the other products produced by Buddha’s Herbs. Moreover in case any product will contain any of the above, it will specifically state so on the label. We meet our Label Claims 100 %.